Skirmishes on Forsaken Worlds
Build an elite Strike Team ready to enter a lethal Deadzone of the future. Competition is fierce and risks are high, scavenging for assets and loot in this exciting 2-player tabletop skirmish game!
Welcome to Deadzone

Forsaken Worlds

Key Features
Cinematic Gameplay
Deadzone uses an innovative movement and combat system to allow your models to be freely placed to make the best use of obstacles and perform exciting tactical manoeuvres.

Key Features
Cube & Grid System

Key Features
Tactical Terrain
Deadzone is best played in a varied and busy terrain setup, where cover is key and the action up close & personal. Terrain is fully navigable and gaining vertical height often a key tactic!

Game Products
Refined Rules
The 3rd Edition of the game has seen the rules streamlined and improved, using the best refinements from our previous supplements to make this the best version yet. All in just TWO books!

Game Products
Unique Miniatures
With a varied list of factions available to play as, the game is supported with a wide collection of quality multi-pose hard plastic and superior resin miniatures in unique styles.

Game Products
Complete Starter Box
Containing everything you need to get started playing Deadzone 3rd Edition, our Two Player Starter Set is packed full of gaming goodness waiting to be opened. Let's go!
Getting Started
2 Player Starter Set

All the components of the Deadzone 3rd Edition 2 Player Starter Set painted, laid out and ready to play!

10x hard plastic GCPS miniatures with parts to build core troops and specialist options, aswell as 1x high-quality resin leader miniature (all require assembly) are provided as one of the two starter factions.

The 2nd faction in the starter box is the Veer-myn and consists of 10x hard plastic Nightcrawlers, 2x large hard plastic Nightmares, all with various build options, and 1x high-quality resin large leader miniature (all require assembly).

The box also features a full 2ft x 2ft (8x8 grid) paper play mat which when flipped over provides a handy Quick Start version of the play area with essential rules and profiles printed around the outside edges.

The box contains full versions of the Deadzone 3rd Edition rulebook, the force lists book for all of the current factions, a sturdy cardboard counters sheet, 8x white D8 dice and 8x (new) black D6 Command dice.

The 2 Player Starter set also includes a bundle of our hard plastic sci-fi Terrain Crate scenery. This is a completely customisable kit (potential build options displayed), designed to fit seamlessly with the Deadzone "cube" system.
How To Play
Check out our How To Play videos series for an introduction to the fundamentals of gameplay. Watch the first video here and head to YouTube for the full playlist.
Strike Teams
The various factions of them game send elite Strike Teams to fight across cities and worlds quarantined and erased from current nav charts. Once a containment protocol has been called, everything has a risk and a reward. Who will you lead into the Deadzone?
An aloof aliens species that use incredibly advanced androids and mechs as the mainstay of their forces to bring balance to the galaxy… no matter the cost.
The Enforcers are the ruthless army of the Council of Seven, used to stamp out insurrection and control the Deadzones with extreme prejudice as their primary purpose.
Forge Fathers
An ancient race of stoic dwarfs that always seek to use their incredible engineering skills to harvest a planet of its resources and won’t let anyone get in their way.
The GCPS is run by powerful Corporations that each have their own private army who are often left to fend for themselves in the containment zones when enemies arrive.
This collective of green-skinned alien species travel the galaxy waiting to pounce on Deadzones to prove their military prowess and sell their wares to the highest bidder.
Mazon Labs
A corporation that has become obsessed with secret experiments that twist people into deformed monsters used as terrible ‘field tests’ in abandoned Deadzones.
Humanity’s greatest threat could be this mysterious race of semi-aquatic aliens that have been driven to conflict by a new religious fervour within their civilisation.
An insidious virus that spreads throughout the galaxy and turns its victims into ravening beasts that only have one purpose… to further the spread of the disease.
Determined to fight against the seemingly tyrannical spread of the mega corporations within the GCPS, the Rebs are a mix of humans and aliens that fight from the shadows.
Underneath sprawling cities or hiding in the dark corners of vast space stations, the Veer-myn are giant rat-like creatures just waiting to strike in order to protect their nest.
If you like Deadzone, check out our other games set in the same sci-fi setting, the Warpath Universe.
Warpath Universe

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